I noticed over the past week as I was working in Kaikoma's cabin the occasional wasp entering or exiting the main hatch. Last week it seemed to be just a rare flyby. But today, it seemed to double. I finally located a small nest in the aft portside captain's cabin. The wasps had begun a nest located in the dorade vent. There is a mesh filter that prevents insects and other objects from entering the dorades but my industrious visitors came through a small slit in the hatch cover and found the other end of the dorade in the captain's cabin!
I sprayed them with wasp poison just before leaving the boat this afternoon. Upon returning to my home, I did a little research and found that dauber wasps are actually fairly safe wasps to have around, and that you can move their nests. So I did some soul searching but decided that under the circumstances, they were to blame as they did not first inquire as to whether or not they were welcomed guests.
Hopefully, they will have moved out and are now happily building a new home.
I removed the door to the foc's'le and brought it home where I will sand and varnish it. I wire-brushed the areas where I removed the liner and was unable to use the grinder to which I attached a plastic brush rather than a wire brush as a wire brush might remove too much and damage the FRP.
Two Areas of Water Leakage
I found two areas of water leakage today. One appears to be a leaking porthole on the port side and the other possibly from a leak in the anchor locker. The porthole-related one has caused discoloring of the wood as can be seen in the photo. Directly under the anchor locker is a space that I found filled with water that had accumulated over a long period of time as it was black and smelly. I emptied it and cleaned it out. Since then it has rained and when I looked at it today, I found more water in it. I removed the anchor, anchor chain and line from the anchor locker and will fill it up with water tomorrow or as soon I purchase a hose. This should prove that the leak is from the anchor locker or not.